The Architecture of Rumuche Emohua: Cradle To Post Modernism


  • Chima Ichendu Department of Architectural Technology, Port Harcourt Polytechnic, Rumuola, Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria
  • Dennis Ejike Amadi Department of Architectural Technology, Port Harcourt Polytechnic, Rumuola, Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria



Traditional, industrialisation, globalisation, metamorphoses, construction, architecture, ethnography.


The speedy exit of traditional values and culture is evident in all facets of human life and practice; architectural practice
included. Due to the impacts of globalisation and industrialisation, certain negative effects have surfaced in every aspect
of life. In Nigeria today, most people’s desire for “modern” cement homes built as opposed to the now archaic buildings of
old, may render them stoic and uncompromising. As a result, many may prefer to be in rented apartments rather than
owning their own apartments built with traditional -old-fashioned buildings of mud and clay. The report is more of a
picturesque ethnographical studies of architecture of Rumuche Emohua. The study recorded the negative mindset felt
amongst the indigenous Emohua man as a result of the impact of industrialisation. This resulted in the eradication of the
traditional construction methodology and material. Although some trace of the court yard and single home settings are
still existent which is a major characteristics of the Architectureof the Ikwerrepeople. Part of the factors that impacted to
this, is the sparse availability of land due to a rise in population. Also presented are basic construction method and
materials that has dominated as well taken over thetraditional architectural practices. The continuous extinction of the
traditional features in today’s society, particularly in the Rumuche Emohua community does not place the architectural
practice well especially considering that the traditional architectural practices is more sustainable.



How to Cite

Chima Ichendu, & Dennis Ejike Amadi. (2023). The Architecture of Rumuche Emohua: Cradle To Post Modernism. Journal of Engineering, Computational and Applied Sciences (JECAS), 7(02).