Green Supply Chain Goals for Next-Generation Supply Chain


  • Gulmira Kerim Istanbul Aydin University, Graduate School of Education, Master of Business Administration
  • Nurlan Ahmedov Istanbul Aydin University, Graduate School of Education, Master of Business Administration.


workers supply chain, supply chain management, next generation supply chain, green supply chain, goal.


In the article investigating the goals of the green supply chain, the components of the green supply chain are mentioned, and components such as green purchasing, green production and recycling are examined. In addition, information about the concept of supply chain and supply chain management is provided. Through review of literature which were  retrieved  using  in Google Schorlars as search engine. The search literature where limited to only articles publish recently and pecuiliart to green supply chainIn the article, the importance of the new generation supply chain is mentioned and terms such as supply chain 4.0 are clearly explained. Research is being conducted on the effects and goals of the new generation supply chain, as well as on the creation of a sustainable supply chain.



How to Cite

Gulmira Kerim, & Nurlan Ahmedov. (2021). Green Supply Chain Goals for Next-Generation Supply Chain. Journal of Engineering, Computational and Applied Sciences (JECAS), 5(02), 43-51. Retrieved from