A NOTE ON FULL TRANSFORMATION SEMIGROUPThe topics in this paper deal with generating subsemigroups of the full transformation semigroup ????(????) on a totally ordered finite set (????, ≤) with an arbitrary equivalence relation ???? defined on it. Using the equiv


  • ELIJAH. E. EDEGHAGBA Department of Mathematical Sciences, Bauchi State University, Gadau
  • SALAUDEEN A. ADEBAYO Department of Mathematical Sciences, Bauchi State University, Gadau
  • UMAR F. MUHAMMAD Department of Mathematics. Nigerian Army University, Biu


Transformation semigroup, Equivalence relation, Totally ordered set, Equal


The topics in this paper deal with generating subsemigroups of the full transformation semigroup
????(????) on a totally ordered finite set (????, ≤) with an arbitrary equivalence relation ???? defined on it.
Using the equivalence relation on the set and the cardinality of the set, we investigate under what
conditions some of these subsemigroups of ????(????) generated are equal.




How to Cite

EDEGHAGBA, E. E. ., ADEBAYO, S. A. ., & MUHAMMAD, U. F. . (2021). A NOTE ON FULL TRANSFORMATION SEMIGROUPThe topics in this paper deal with generating subsemigroups of the full transformation semigroup ????(????) on a totally ordered finite set (????, ≤) with an arbitrary equivalence relation ???? defined on it. Using the equiv. BIMA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (2536-6041), 5(01), 1-8. Retrieved from https://journals.gjbeacademia.com/index.php/bimajst/article/view/238