Azadirachta indica, Aspirin, Omeprazole, Misoprostol, UlcerAbstract
Azadirachta indica is used as a traditional remedy in ayurvedic medicine in India since
antiquity and many parts of Africa including Nigeria to treat gastric ulcer. Current study was
designed to investigate this plant leaves for potential antiulcer agent in aspirin induced ulcers
in rats. Qualitative pytochemical screening and acute oral toxicity test of the ethanol leaf extract
of Azadirachta indica was carried out according to standard methods previously described.
Gastric ulcer was induced by oral administration of aspirin (300 mg/kg) to adult rats. The
antiulcer activity was determined by calculating the mean decrease in number of epithelial
shedding, frank haemorrhage, ulcers and perforations in the extract-treated rats at doses of 150,
300 and 600 mg/kg. Preliminary phytochemical screening of the ethanolextract of Azadirachta
indica leaf revealed the presence of carbohydrates, reducing sugar, saponins, anthraquinones,
flavonoids, tannins and alkaloids. The oral median lethal dose (LD50) of the extract was
estimated to be greater than 5000 mg/kg in rats. The extract was found to be an effective
antiulcerogenic agent at different doses (150, 300 and 600 mg/kg). Oral administration of all
the investigated doses of the extract reduced the severity of gastric mucosal damage. The
extract showed a significant (p<0.05) protection against aspirin induced epithelium shedding
at lower doses (150 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg) comparable to the standard drugs used misoprostol
and omeprazole. Frank haemorrhage index was reduced by the extract at higher doses of 300
and 600 mg/kg with no statistically significant difference with omeprazole (p>0.05). The
ethanol leaf extract of Azadirachta indica contains phytochemical constituents which may be
responsible for its antiulcer activity and these amply justifies the traditional use of this plant in
managing gastrointestinal disorders including peptic ulcer disease.