Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Flora Utilized for the Management of Dermatological Diseases by Indigenous Populations in Bauchi, Nigeria


  • Ismail Hassan Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Bauchi State University, P.M.B. 65 Gadau, Nigeria
  • Huzaifa Muhammad
  • Uzaifa Adamu
  • Husaini Sulaiman Adam



Conventional medicine, Bauchi, Dermatological Diseases, Ethnobotany, Therapeutic flora.


The objective of the study was to assess the ethnobotanical plants traditionally employed to treat skin ailments in Bauchi, the capital of Nigeria's Bauchi State. The research utilized structured questionnaires and oral interviews. Data were collected through oral interviews with practitioners of traditional medicine. An ethnobotanical study was conducted from February to July 2024 to collect relevant data on medicinal plants utilized for treating skin disorders. Participants were herbalists, traditional medicine practitioners, and elderly folks who had employed medicinal herbs. The collected data was documented as the plant employed, preparation guidelines, delivery method, and dosage. The oral interview was conducted in Hausa, their native language. The herbarium of the Department of Biological Sciences at Bauchi State University in Gadau, Nigeria, is the repository for collected and identified plant species specimens. A total of 24 species of medicinal plants from 18 families were identified as effective in the treatment of skin problems such as measles, rashes, boils, cuts, acne, eczema, and wounds. Although the other plants belong to a singular family, the Myrtaceae, Fabaceae, Compositae, Rutaceae, Rhamnaceae, and Meliaceae families each encompass two species. Decoction, infusion, and direct application were the predominant preparation methods, with leaves being the most often utilized plant part, followed by bark, root, and stem. Eczema is addressed using the bark of Ziziphus spina and the leaves of Anogeisus leiocarpus; ringworm is managed with the bark of Jatropha gossypiifolia; boils are treated using Diospyros ebenum and Vernonia amygdalina. Citrus leaves consumed orally are utilized to alleviate measles-related skin rashes, whereas bathing in Khaya senegalensis leaves aids in the treatment of chickenpox and urinary tract rashes. The leaves of Calotropis procera are employed to treat infections. The medicinal plants employed in this region represent a repository of traditional knowledge with potential therapeutic applications.





How to Cite

Hassan, I. ., Muhammad, H. ., Adamu, U. ., & Sulaiman Adam, H. . (2024). Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Flora Utilized for the Management of Dermatological Diseases by Indigenous Populations in Bauchi, Nigeria. BIMA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (2536-6041), 8(4A), 267-276.