Analyzing the Effect of Environments on the Corrosion Behavior of Grade (B) A372 Mild Steel


  • Kabir Umar Isah Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Kano University of Science and Technology Wudil
  • Inuwa Raiyanu Nabage Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Kano University of Science and Technology Wudil



Analyzing, Environment effect, Corrosion behavior, Grade B A372 and Mild steel.


Corrosion testing aims to evaluate how materials behave under simulated service conditions, helping to confirm that they will achieve their expected design lifespan. This research aims to explore the impact of environmental conditions on the corrosion behavior of GRADE B A372 mild steel. The mild steel was commercially obtained and cut into pieces of the same length called coupons. The initial weight of the coupons was measured and recorded. The coupons were then exposed to the specified corrosive environments for a predetermined duration of 21 days. The corrosion rate and weight loss of the samples were analyzed. An observation of the surface morphology of the corroded samples was conducted. The result obtained revealed that the samples exposed to atmospheric environment corroded very slowly within 21 days duration. The corrosion rate of the samples exposed in Tiga dam environment increases with the increase in exposure time. The corrosion rate of the samples exposed to the underground soil of KUST WUDIL exhibited a slower rate during the first week compared to the rates observed in the second and third weeks. The exposed samples reveal a significant corrosion rate for the second and third weeks of exposure. However, the (SEM) images show the presence of some lamellar shaped phases in samples exposed to atmosphere, larger needle shaped phases in samples exposed to the Tiga dam and the presence of some smaller needle shaped phases in the buried samples. It was determined that the corrosion rates of the mild steel samples had been examined. Notably, the corrosion rates among the different specimens exhibited significant variation according to the following trend: underground (soil), Tiga dam water and atmosphere. The findings imply that mild steel could be more suitable for use under atmospheric environment.





How to Cite

Umar Isah, K., & Inuwa Raiyanu Nabage. (2024). Analyzing the Effect of Environments on the Corrosion Behavior of Grade (B) A372 Mild Steel. BIMA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (2536-6041), 8(4A), 12-26.