KAMORU ABDULAZEEZ, A. .; ADEGBOLA ADESOYE, O. .; OKUNLOLA, L. T; SHERIF M. A; D. H. , D.; O. AKINSETE, I. .; O. ADEOGUN, A. .; A. EZEONUEGBU, B. .; A. AKINLEYE, C. . Assessment of Zoochemical Constituents and Antiplasmodial Potency of Crude Methanol Extract from Millipede (Diplopoda: Pachybolidae) in Plasmodium berghei Infected Mice. BIMA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (2536-6041), [S. l.], v. 8, n. 2A, p. 276-286, 2024. DOI: 10.56892/bima.v8i2.686. Disponível em: http://journals.gjbeacademia.com/index.php/bimajst/article/view/686. Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.